Augmented Reality Healthcare Scenarios

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Audience: Instructional designers, Industry training and students

Update: Unfortunately, it has come to our attention that the ARIS app for the Augmented Reality Healthcare Scenarios is no longer being supported by the organization that created it.

However, the good news is that these Augmented Reality Integrated Simulation Education (ARISE) scenarios are still available while these are undergoing a revision under a new grant project called the Open RN project.

Augmented Reality Integrated Simulation Education (ARISE) scenarios merge the concepts of simulation with augmented reality and game-based situated learning theory within 150 enhanced scenarios for healthcare students.

Augmented Reality is an enhanced version of reality created with the use of technology. For the purposes of this project a media image, video, or sound is overlaid into the learning environment to provide a more authentic and immersive learning experience for participants. All components are focused on patient-centered care using scenarios across storylines, and lead to the transfer of knowledge/skills/attitudes to real world experience.

To learn more: Introduction and overview of the ARISE Scenario project.

View by Scenario Level

Each level is developed into one or all three scenario designs: serious games, clinical case studies and simulation.

Level 1: basic assessment & basic intervention
Level 2: advanced assessment & complex intervention
Level 3: complication identification & treatment
Level 4: crisis & intervention

View by Scenario Category

Arise Clinical Learning Model - Story line arrow graphic moves from Serious Games to Clinical Case Study to Simulations to Real World Experiences

ARISE Clinical Learning Model

Utilizing the ARISE platform, these designed experiences begin with a patient storyline describing an individual or family experience with a health challenge.