Washington Integrated Sector Employment (WISE)

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The WISE consortium is a statewide collaboration comprised of Washington’s Centers of Excellence for Clean Energy, Aerospace and Advanced Manufacturing, and Construction; five workforce investment boards; eight colleges; the state’s TAA coordinating agency; the Washington State Labor Council; and a dozen major employers (1). The near $10 million TAACCCT grant provides opportunities for participants to enter into a pre-apprenticeship or apprenticeship program in the clean energy, advanced manufacturing, and construction sectors (2). In the pre-apprenticeship program, students who test at below-college level gain the foundational skills needed for college-level coursework, combined with technical skills related to the industry in which they will be working.

As of September 30, 2016, 910 participants had been served by the program (3).

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Additional Project Information

  1. “Washington Integrated Sector Employment (WISE) Grant,” Renton Technical College, n.d., https://rtc.edu/wise-grant; “Murray Applauds Major Investment to Train WA Students for 21st Century Jobs,” United States Senator Patty Murray, September 29, 2014, https://www.murray.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/2014/9/wa-community-colleges-jobs-murray-applauds-major-investment-to-train-wa-students-for-21st-century-jobs.
  2. “Washington Integrated Sector Employment (WISE),” Center of Excellence for Aerospace and Advanced Manufacturing, December 6, 2016, http://www.coeaerospace.com/wise/.
  3. Hins-Turner et al. “Washington Integrated Sector Employment: An Interim Report,” May 2017. http://cleanenergyexcellence.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/Washington-Integrated-Sector-Employment-Mid-term-Report.pdf