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Become an Exhibitor or Sponsor at the

Be part of a community of 1,000+ professionals from higher education participating in the OLC-MERLOT INNOVATE Conference in New Orleans, April 19-22, 2015.   The INNOVATE conference has a dynamic Exhibit Hall with a number of events, networking breaks, and welcome reception provided to bring attendees to your booth.

This is the first of the annual invitation to TAACCCT grantees to join the existing community of higher ed administrators, faculty, instructional technologists, and others at the INNOVATE Conference.  There is a new Workforce Innovation track in the conference and TAACCCT grantees can learn how to acquire the support and services they need to achieve their workforce development goals.

Purpose: Market your products and services to the TAACCCT grantees and conference participants as well as investigate the future opportunities to collaborate with SkillsCommons and the TAACCCT program with greater visibility.

Cost: $2,100, Exhibitor; $3,500 – $6,500, Bronze through Gold Sponsor levels*

*Vendors choosing a Bronze through Gold (or higher) level will also have the opportunity to apply to participate as a Skills Commons Affiliate or Partner.

See more details on the OLC/MERLOT Innovate Conference website.

Request an OLC Conference Prospectus for exhibitors and sponsors by contacting Brenda Weiss-Pesta at 617-716-1417 or


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TAACCCT at Innovate

TAACCCT at Innovate

Makeover Studio

Meeting Agenda


OLC Innovate Conference
April 20-22, 2016
New Orleans, Louisiana
Learn More | Register