FREE and OPEN Technology Resources In SkillsCommons
The NH Tech Alliance has partnered with SkillsCommons to provide easy access to high-quality FREE and OPEN training resources for New Hampshire tech professionals and their workforce partners. This unique partnership with SkillsCommons supports the NH Tech Alliance commitment to nurture a vibrant tech ecosystem in NH by building partnerships, enhancing knowledge and shaping public policy.
Preparing Teachers and Students for Online Learning
In response to the recent developments due to COVID19, NH Tech Alliance, SkillsCommons and MERLOT created this FREE online resource to help both Teachers and Students prepare to start teaching and learning online.
Featured Course
Jumpstart to Successful Instruction Course
A FREE and OPEN online mini-course provides professional development to industry experts, helping them establish successful learning environments, develop teaching techniques, and engage learners.
Featured Tech Program
The NSC Cyber Technology Certificate Program maps to the Customer Service and Technical Support job category so that employers know exactly what knowledge, skills, and abilities program graduates have attained.
Featured Career Video
Telecommunications Engineering Career Video
Telecommunications engineering specialists design voice, video, and data communications systems to keep users connected.
Technology Training Materials by Occupation
Growing the Economy through Information Technology (Get IT NH)

The Growing the Economy through Information Technology project is a statewide project to develop, improve, and expand adult educational training pathways to careers in multiple industries that require certified information technology skills and knowledge.
Get IT NH Material in SkillsCommonsbrowse
Training Materials by Technology Sector
Soft Skills and Work-Based Learning Resources
Institutions and organizations recognize the importance of effective soft skills, or work-readiness skills. Ensuring employees are prepared is critical for an organization’s success and long-term retention of new hires. Soft skills materials address workplace communication, interpersonal skills, timeliness, adaptability – and more.
Work-based learning (WBL) methods, such as apprenticeships, are educational strategies that provide students and trainees with real-life workplace experiences. Find WBL materials in SkillsCommons that address both employer and trainee needs, leading to successful work-based learning experiences.
Technology Resources by Material Type
Technology Resources by Credential Type
Find Technology materials that have been used in various degree or certificate programs.
Program Support Materials
Find materials that help support your Technology Program.
IMPACTcommunities supporting Technology
Women in Sustainable Employment Pathways
The Women in Sustainable Employment (WISE) Pathways IMPACTcommunity was created to share best practices and design, produce and/or digitize new and existing materials, tools, and strategies that successfully engage women in high demand career pathways where women are currently underrepresented.
Jumpstart to Expert Instruction Network
The Jumpstart to Expert Instruction Network was created to support workforce development programs across all industry sectors preparing industry experts to become excellent teachers. This community focuses specifically on building an open access library of videos, tools, and resources for exemplary teaching practices.
Technology Partnerships
Partnerships with Tech Companies
Explore technology companies that have partnered with SkillsCommons to effectively and affordably tailor training materials available in SkillsCommons. Partnering with these technology companies allows you to customize the FREE and OPEN educational resources meeting the specific needs of your users.
Tech Company Partnershipsexplore | Strategies for Building Partnershipsexplore
Business Resources
Business and Entrepreneur Resources
Preview our showcase of Business, Management and Human Resources Open CourseWare. If you like what you see you can download the material from SkillsCommons and use it as it is, make modifications to it, or do a complete makeover of the material.
Effective Employer Engagement

The U. S. Department of Labor’s Effective Employer Engagement framework shows how TAACCCT grants helped to deepen employer engagement at all levels of program design and implementation, with employer partners taking on a variety of roles – from advising to strategic implementation.
Effective Employer Engagement Strategiesexplore
Technology Career Resources and Services
Technology Career Videos
View career videos for a snapshot of career and labor market information of more than 900 careers.
Video Game Designers Career Video
Computer User Support Specialists Career Video
Multimedia Artists and Animators Career Video
More IT Career Videos at Career One Stop
Occupation Profiles
Thinking about a new IT occupation? Learn details about career activities, wages, employment outlook, and more.
- Information Technology Project Managers
- Database Administrators
- Network and Computer Systems Administrators
- More Occupation Profiles…
Local Training Finder
Search for local training providers by occupation, program type, location and more with the Local Training Finder.
Interest Assessment Tool
Trying to figure out what will interest you or your students in different careers? Explore careers that match your interests with the Interest Assessment Tool.
My Skills My Future
Looking to change to a new career? Enter your current or previous job in the search box below and get started.
Interested in developing a customized portal like the one you see here? Contact SkillsCommons at to get started.
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