Welcome To The StoryTelling Network
Purpose: To use storytelling as a way to share solutions to the challenges of workforce development in higher education. This community spans all industry sectors and may include broad scale discussions of student engagement in learning, successful completion of skills development programs, job placement, building partnerships and pathways, and others.
Ready To Tell Your Story?
Your story can offer solutions to common problems, encourage sustainability as well as leverage learning for those who come after you. Your story is important and we would love to help you tell it in the best way possible.
Get started today! Tell Your Story | Learn How To Effectively Tell Your Story
Rubric: 3D Interactive Rubric | 2D Printable Rubric
Use Cases are stories of how different populations could use specific tools to achieve professional and organizational goals.
Case Studies are stories that describe how a “solution” was used to achieve a business goal. Case studies define the characters of the stories, the challenges they face, and the way they adopted a “solution” (technology, strategy, procedure, etc.) that resulted in the characters being successful professionally and organizationally.
Featured Story
Using a Competency-Based Hybrid Model to Improve Technical Courses and Impact Outcomes
PPT Presentation (pdf)
Watch Stories (Videos)
Accelerating Graduation Pathways and Strengthening Ohio’s Workforce
Restoring Accelerated Pathways to CCRI
From Reporting To StoryTelling
Listen To Stories (Webinars & Podcasts)
Voices of TAACCCT College Presidents: A Podcast Series
Employer Engagement: Establishing Effective Partnerships
Creating Resiliency and Building Community: A Grantee-Led Webinar
A Robot Took My Job by John Milam
Country Western Song called “A Robot Took My Job” that tells the story of why we need to use competencies. Download song and view lyrics in SkillsCommons.
Ambassadors & Editorial Board Subject Matter Experts (SMEs)
Meet our SkillsCommons Ambassadors, Editors, and Subject Matter Experts (SME). Each bring their own varied sets of expertise, talents and skills to the work – all in the name of developing stronger workforce development pipelines and workforce training around Open Education Resources. From coordinating to curating, these consultants are an integral part of the SkillsCommons processes and team.