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Audience: Instructional designers, Industry training and students
Learning Modules
Basics of Neurocircuits
Bone Physiology & Remodeling
Brain Anatomy
Cardiopulmonary Circulation
Cardiovascular System, Part 1
Cardiovascular System, Part 2
Embryology of Genitourinary System
Embryology of GI Tract
Embryology of the Brain
Embryology of the Heart
Endocrine Anatomy
Functions of the Nervous System
Generation and Maintenance of Membrane Potential
Graded Potentials and Action Potentials
Heart Anatomy
Hormones: Mechanisms of Action and Regulation
Krebs (Citric Acid) Cycle
Lipid Structure and Digestion
Metabolic Calculations
Muscular system: Muscle Physiology
Muscular system: Type of Skeletal Muscles
Muscular system: Muscular Tissue
Pathogens and Antibacterial Resistance
Protein Structure and Digestion
Skeletal System: Diseases and Disorders
Skeletal System: Macroscopic anatomy
Skeletal System: Microscopic anatomy
Skeletal, Cardiac, and Smooth Muscle Similarities and Differences
Starling’s Law of the Heart and Capillaries
The Sense of Sight
Visualizing Early Embryonic Development using Zebrafish