Innovations Moving People to Achieve Certified Training (IMPACT) IMPACT aims to increase the achievement of certifications, credentials, diplomas, and degrees through blended learning. View: IMPACT Materials in SkillsCommons Visit: IMPACT Website

Innovations Moving People to Achieve Certified Training (IMPACT) IMPACT aims to increase the achievement of certifications, credentials, diplomas, and degrees through blended learning. View: IMPACT Materials in SkillsCommons Visit: IMPACT Website
Accessible Support Services and Instruction for Sustainable Transition to Work (ASSIST) ASSIST is a customized, comprehensive program to prepare and produce the best educated, most competitive workforce in the world. View: ASSIST Materials in SkillsCommons Visit: ASSIST Website
Advanced Manufacturing Partnerships in Education (AMPed NH) A New Hampshire initiative created to educate and train eager, motivated people for high-wage, high-skill jobs in the advanced manufacturing industry. View: AMPed NH Materials in SkillsCommons Visit: AMPed Website
Air Washington The Air Washington project is a consortium of eleven of the state’s community and technical colleges which have received a $20M Department of Labor grant to strengthen our aerospace industry through workforce training. View: Air Washington Materials in SkillsCommons Visit: Air Washington Website
North Carolina Advanced Manufacturing Alliance (NCAMA) The NCAMA is a consortium of ten community colleges, local Workforce Investment Boards (WIBs), industries, non-profit entities, and local education authorities. View: NCAMA Materials in SkillsCommons Visit: NCAMA Website