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Apprenticeship Program Guideline Examples

Industrial Electronics Technology Pathway Graphic (Louisiana): This product is designed to map career outcomes for potential students within the Industrial Electronics Technology pathway.

KanTRAIN FHTC Career Pathways; Welding Technology & Industrial Engineering Technology (Kansas): Stacked and latticed credential pathways for Welding Technology and Industrial Engineering Technology

Industrial Technology Program (Texas): Summary of the Industrial Technology Program at Amarillo College, which includes ABE pathways, soft skills training, and technologically enhanced learning strategies to produce a redesigned training curriculum.

Instructional Materials for Industrial Technology Apprenticeships

Partnership Resources

Coming soon!

Soft Skills and Work-Based Learning Resources

Soft Skills Materials

Every Industry recognizes the importance of effective soft skills, or work-readiness skills. Ensuring that employees are prepared from the moment they step into the job is critical for any organization’s success and long-term retention of new hires. Find materials in SkillsCommons that address workplace communication, interpersonal skills, timeliness, adaptability – and more.

Soft Skills/Foundational Skills Resourcesbrowse

Work Based Learning

Work-based learning (WBL) methods, such as apprenticeships, are educational strategies that provide students and trainees with real-life workplace experiences. Find WBL materials in SkillsCommons that address both employer and trainee needs, leading to successful work-based learning experiences.

Work-Based Learning Resourcesbrowse

Instructional Materials in Manufacturing

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