Video Makeover

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About the Video Makeover

The goal of this makeover was to show that submissions that capture and preserve large video files should also provide a link to a hosted form of the video.  The original video file is useful if someone wants to produce an excerpt or modified version.  The link to a hosted form is useful if someone wants to include the video in a course.  Downloading a large file can be problematic on some network connections and can take some time.  Further, some learning management systems restrict the amount of file space an instructor can use for uploading content.  While there is usually a separate provision for hosting video locally, instructor who just want to adopt the video will find a link much more convenient.

Submission title: Identifying three-jaw and four-jaw chucks
Submission link:
Description: The submission is a zip file 1GB in size. Inside the zip are two large video files (mp4) and two small caption files.

The Makeover Process

For a makeover, this video was also uploaded to YouTube. To do this, we created a YouTube account, uploaded the video, assigned the title, description, and tags in the basic settings and the Creative Commons license in the advanced settings.

The results are two YouTube links. (Accessible versions of these videos)


Once the video was fully ingested, we added the caption file under the Subtitles and CC option. See YouTube Help: Adding Subtitles and Captions.