Workplace Safety & Precautions – COVID-19 Response

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Introduction to Healthcare Careers Safety

Intro to Healthcare Careers

Audience: Instructional designers, Industry training and students

Presentation on safety and safety practices in healthcare for the Introduction to Healthcare Careers course. The following topics are discussed, Hazard Communication, Infection Control & Blood Borne Pathogens, Walking & Working Surfaces, Emergency Action Procedures & Fire Prevention & Protection, General safety & Workplace Violence, Ergonomics.

Preview Material: Introduction to Healthcare Careers Safety

Download Materials: Introduction to Healthcare Careers Safety

Standard Precautions eLearning Simulation

Audience: Instructional designers, Industry training and students

This simulation is designed to enhance and illustrate standard precautions for healthcare students who have received initial instruction or information on this topic. An introduction is provided that illustrates the impact of failure to follow standard precautions, including the risk of healthcare workers contracting a disease or illness and the associated rising cost of healthcare. This is accomplished through video scenarios that illustrate how various healthcare professionals and other individuals can easily violate standard precautions, thus potentially spreading an infection. Students are asked to respond to each scenario to determine their knowledge of standard precautions, including proper disposal, order of donning and doffing Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), and general use of PPE required for specific microorganisms.

Preview Materials: Standard Precautions eLearning Simulations

Download Materials: Standard Precautions eLearning Simulations

Lab Safety in Healthcare

Audience: Instructional designers, Industry training and students

This booster discusses lab safety. It teaches you about hazards, safety procedures, ways to protect yourself and prevent exposure. These files are SCORM packages and can be easily uploaded to your Learning Management System (LMS), such as Blackboard or Desire2Learn. If you want to view or use the files without an LMS, download the files to your computer, extract (unzip) the file, open the extracted folder, and click to open the story.html file. The booster or test will open in your browser window. If used on your LMS, for the booster, the user will be given a score of complete or incomplete; for the pre and post-tests, the user will be given a numerical score. This scoring functionality and completion data is only available if used on an LMS. The SCORM packages are complete and not available for editing. If you would like to include additional information, consider adding the content before or after the booster on your LMS.

Preview Material: Lab Safety in Healthcare

Download Materials: Lab Safety in Healthcare

Smart Start PowerPoints

Smart Start Healthcare Presentations

Audience: Instructional designers, Industry training and students

Power Points that can be used in Smart Start which is a type of pre-program for potential healthcare program students. The program includes a component on basic skills such as hand washing, personal protective equipment and culminates in students completing requirements to receive a CPR credential.

Preview Material: Instructor PPT Preview | Student PPT Preview

Download Materials: Smart Start PPTs in Healtcare

Proper Glove Sterilization Procedures

Proper Glove Handling

Audience: Instructional designers, Industry training and students

This video presentation discusses two proper glove sterilization procedures for aseptic gloves and sterile gloves.

Preview Material: Proper Glove Sterilization

Download Materials: Proper Glove Sterilization

StartSafe FabLab Safety – Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Audience: Instructional designers, Industry training and students

This Articulate Storyline Module provides a brief introduction to Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) in a Prototype Design Lab.

Preview Material: Available soon!

Download Materials: StartSafe FabLab Safety – Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)